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MessagePosté: Mar Mai 15, 2007 08:39 
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Inscription: Ven Juillet 28, 2006 18:37
Messages: 30
Researcher says some children demonstrate unusual abilities after UFO and Extraterrestrial Encounters

Edited by Peggy Chang

A former registered nurse who has worked with hundreds of clients, including many children, will be revealing evidence of their encounters with extraterrestrial beings at an upcoming conference in Montreal, Canada.

After a decade of research as a professional counsellor and clinical hypnotherapist, Australia’s Mary Rodwell says that there is now enough evidence to conclude that these “beings” appear to come from other planets and other dimensions parallel to our own.

She is a co-founder of the Australian Close Encounter Resource Network (ACERN), vice-President of Star Kids Project Ltd., founded by Dr. Richard Boylan, and the author of “Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact can Transform Your Life”.

Rodwell says that after being involved with over 1,000 “experiencers” (alien abductees) nothing had prepared her for what she discovered.

“My clients include both adults and children who exhibit transformative changes such as telepathy, clairvoyance and healing as they become more spiritually aware and begin to operate on a multi-dimensional band of reality”, says Rodwell. “In the last 10 years, clients have come to me from the U.K, North America, Europe, Russia, Japan and South America”.

Ms. Rodwell also explains that part of her client’s contact experiences seems to inspire them to draw complex artwork, scripts, symbols and sometimes speaking strange languages.

“An eight year old has called her downloading of information ‘knowledge bombs’, as complex data conveyed through mental images and concepts seem to create a heightened consciousness level”, says Rodwell. “These "starchildren" exhibit a maturity and wisdom beyond their years and often describe their connection to spirit and angelic realms”.

This former registered nurse is not the only one to have noticed a change with today’s children. A May 2005 USA Today article quotes James Twyman, producer of films on “Indigo Children”, as saying that a new generation of special children are among us who have increased telepathic abilities and are spiritually awakened.

The name “Indigo Children” comes from a blue indigo coloured aura that some people say they can see around these children, as per a January 2006 New York Times article.

ABC News’ Diane Sawyers has also explored the issue of these extraordinary children in a November 2005 interview with an entire family of “Indigo Children”. Sawyers said that this phenomenon was “fascinating” and was “across the country”.

Ms. Rodwell explains that while many "starchildren" and “Indigo Children” have telepathic abilities, are spiritually awakened and often describe seeing “Beings of Light” (angels), the main difference is that “starchildren” have recollections of having had encounters with extraterrestrial beings and of sometimes having been on alien spaceships.

Though many medical professionals are still sceptical, in November 2003, Ms. Rodwell’s work had been featured in the Australian Doctor Focus Magazine, a prestigious Australian medical journal.

Ms. Rodwell is not alone with her views as a growing number of professionals in the medical community share her conclusions and have spoken publicly.

Such people include the late world-renowned Harvard Medical School professor of psychiatry, Dr. John E. Mack, author of “Passport to the Cosmos”. and Dr. Janet Colli, author of “Sacred Encounters – Spiritual Awakenings During Close Encounters”.

Ms. Rodwell’s work continues to raise serious questions that were raised in February 2005 on ABC News by the late Peter Jennings in his two hour Primetime Special: “UFOs – Seeing is Believing”.

The now late Peter Jennings’ millions of viewers had been presented with a small portion of the 150 interviews conducted by ABC in regards to the controversial and enigmatic issue of UFOs and extraterrestrial encounters. Mr. Jennings had concluded that many UFOs were indeed unidentified and that questions about their origin remained unanswered.

To Ms. Rodwell, the answer is that we are being visited by extraterrestrial civilizations. Her conclusion is echoed by the former Canadian Minister of National Defence Hon. Paul Hellyer, who, in September of 2005, went public saying that UFOs were as real as the airplanes that fly over our heads, and were indeed extraterrestrial vehicles.

During a December 2005 NBC News interview with Tucker Carlson, Mr. Hellyer quoted former high level Pentagon officials as the source of his information. One of his sources includes an unnamed retired US Air Force General who spoke with him directly and confirmed that some UFOs were indeed "identified" and were piloted by extraterrestrial intelligences.
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Mr. Hellyer is not the only politician who has raised the issue of UFOs. A CNN November 2002 article quoted President Clinton’s former White House Chief of Staff, John Podesta, asking for the Pentagon to come clean and to declassify their UFO files.

Mr. Podesta currently supports a Coalition for Freedom of Information lawsuit against NASA asking for the declassification of their top secret files in relations to the 1965 UFO crash in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania.

Though her evidence does not include an actual UFO, Rodwell says that she has evidence from a scientific, medical, psychological, and historical perspective to support her paradigm shifting conclusion that some children are being "evolved" and transformed on many levels through extraterrestrial encounters.

Make comments about this article in The Canadian Blog.


Voilà, désolé c'est en alglais, encore une fois.
Mais C'est quand même bien étrange et je n'en avais jamais entendu parler... :roll:
Est ce que ça aurait un rapport avec le mouvement New age des enfants indigo?? Ou si il n'y en a pas, je trouve qu'il y a une assez forte similitude dans les descriptions des comportements. M'enfin c'est peut etre une coincidence... :wink:

Amis anglophiles, bonne lecture :wink:

Il y a là beaucoup trop de fumé pour qu'il n'y ait pas de feu...

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MessagePosté: Mar Mai 15, 2007 10:26 
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Inscription: Dim Septembre 03, 2006 11:12
Messages: 81
Localisation: Orne
Though her evidence does not include an actual UFO, Rodwell says that she has evidence from a scientific, medical, psychological, and historical perspective to support her paradigm shifting conclusion that some children are being "evolved" and transformed on many levels through extraterrestrial encounters.

Mme Rodwell dit qu'elle a des preuves mais quelles sont-elles?

Ms. Rodwell also explains that part of her client’s contact experiences seems to inspire them to draw complex artwork, scripts, symbols and sometimes speaking strange languages.

L'imagination des enfants leur permet de dessiner des choses que l'on n'a jamais vues, ce n'est pas pour autant que ces choses existent sur une autre planète. De plus, on ne va tout de même pas, au moindre charabia débité par un enfant, en conclure qu'il parle une langue extraterrestre.

Personnellement, tout cela ne me semble pas très sérieux.

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MessagePosté: Lun Mai 21, 2007 09:52 
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Inscription: Dim Novembre 05, 2006 17:25
Messages: 266
Localisation: Lille
mon anglais n'est pas parfait mais on parle aussi de dessin, de symbole et PARFOIS du faite qu'il parle une langue extraterrestre non?
a plus :D

>>>> Encyclopédie Du Paranormal<<<<
Une femme c'est comme un artichaud...
il faut savoir être patient avant d'atteindre le coeur

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MessagePosté: Lun Mai 21, 2007 11:19 
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Inscription: Dim Septembre 03, 2006 11:12
Messages: 81
Localisation: Orne
Regardez ce questionnaire censé détecter les "star kids": ... naire.html
Rating Schedule:
Score of 12= possibly a Star Kid
Score of 20 = most likely a Star Kid
Score of 26+ = absolutely a Star Kid

Score de 12 = peut-être un Star kid
Score de 20 = très probablement un Star kid
Score de 26+ = absolument un Star kid

If the child (or adult) scores 12 or above, please suggest to the parent that they contact Dr. Richard Boylan, Director, Star Kids Project©, about further information available on Star Kids or Star Seeds, and about a Workshop for them, families and friends, so that they can better understand the phenomena, grow more comfortable with their advanced abilities, and to meet other Star Kids and families, and clarify their Star Kid/Star Seed mission.

Si l'enfant (ou l'adulte) réalise un score de 12 ou plus, s'il vous plaît suggérez aux parents qu'ils contactent le Dr. Richard Boylan, Directeur, Star Kids Project, pour les informations complémentaires disponibles au sujet des Star Kids ou des Star Seeds et au sujet d'un atelier pour eux, leurs familles et leurs amis, afin qu'ils puissent mieux comprendre le phénomène, grandir plus confortablement avec leurs aptitudes avancées, et rencontrer d'autres Star Kids et leurs familles, et clarifier leur mission de Star Kid/Star Seed.

Moi j'en dis qu'énormément d'enfants (si ce n'est tous) réaliseront un score supérieur à 12... :roll:

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