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 Sujet du message: Photos de ruines urbaines
MessagePosté: Ven Décembre 06, 2013 15:21 
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Inscription: Dim Février 10, 2013 14:11
Messages: 447
Localisation: Midgard
Bonjour à tous,

Je tiens à vous présenter le site très intéressant d'un photographe, spécialisé dans les clichés de ruines urbaines.
À l'heure ou j'écris ces lignes, 172 sites abandonnés de par le monde y sont sublimés par l'objectif de ce photographe talentueux :

172 Abandoned Locations: Acme Coke Plant, Adonia State Hospital, Armorcast (Birdsboro Steel Foundry and Machine Co), Ashley / Huber Breaker (Blue Coal), Bannerman's Arsenal, Barnes Hospital, Beelitz Heilstätten, Belchertown State School, Bennett School for Girls, Berliner Bunkerwelten, Bethlehem Steel (Lackawanna Plant), Bethlehem Steel Mill, Broadacres Hospital, Buffalo Central Terminal, Buffalo State Hospital, Camp Bluefields (Tweed), Carrie Blast Furnace, Central Islip State Hospital, Château de Mesen, Château de Noisy (Miranda), Cherry Knowle Hospital, Church of the Transfiguration (Buffalo), Citadelle de Namur, City Methodist Church (Gary), Clairvaux Tuberculosis Hospital, Cliffside Hospital, Clinique de la Faisanderie, Coal Brook Breaker Power Station, Consonno, Constance Sanatorium, Continental Rubber Works (Hannover-Limmer), County Morgue, Crypt of Barons, Cynthia Lee Memorial Hospital, Dadipark, Danvers State Hospital, Demon's Alley (New City Village), Dever State School, Diamant Brauerei, Dixmont State Hospital, Eagle River Power Station, Eastern State Penitentiary, Eden Hall Chapel, Erich Wagner Kindersanatorium, Fort de la Chartreuse, Fort Marabout, Foster State Hospital, Foxboro State Hospital, Franklin Power Plant, Fuller State School and Hospital, Gaebler Children's Center, Gentzrode, Glenn Dale Hospital, Glenwood Power Plant, Gravesend Asylum, Great Barr Colony (St Margaret's Hospital), Green Hill State Hospital, Harperbury Hospital, Hartford Drive-In, Hasard Cheratte (Coal Mine), Haverford State Hospital, Heidelberg Thingplatz, Heilstätten Asklepios, Hellingly Hospital, Hendrik Monastery, Henryton State Hospital, Heptner State Hospital, Heusden-Zolder Coal Mine, Hewitt State Hospital and Prison, High Hills Developmental Center, Hinchcliffe Stadium, Hotel Heinrich Heine, Hotel Sterling, Huy Mill, Irrenanstalt Weiler, Isolation Hospital, Jackson Sanatorium, Jacob Tome School for Boys (Bainbridge USNTC), Kahlenbergstift, Kings Park Psychiatric Center, Kingsley Psychiatric Hospital, Kokerei Zollverein, Königin Elisabeth Hospital, Königsberg Sanatorium, Krankenbunker "Breuning", Krankenhaus Eichelberger, Krankenhaus Staacken, La Crypte des Fleurs, Letchworth Village, Linfield Industrial Park, Linton State Hospital, Lorton Reformatory, Lungenkrankenhaus Thalberg, Malone Psychiatric Center, Manicomio di Collegno (Certosa), Manicomio Francesca, Manicomio Frigerio, Manicomio Montedale, Manteno State Hospital, Margate State School, Marquette State Hospital, Massachusetts Mental Health Center, Medizinische Klinik (DRK Kliniken Westend), Mentha State Hospital, Mesa State Training School, Metropolitan State Hospital, Michigan Central Station, Middlewood Hospital Chapel, Mount Rose Cemetery, Mount Sinai Hospital, Normansfield Hospital, North Wales Hospital (Denbigh Asylum), Northam Manor Psychiatric Hospital, Northampton State Hospital, Northwood Asylum, Norwich State Hospital, NRL Satellite Facility, Old Essex County Jail, Old Saint Nicholas Coal Breaker, Ospedale Bartolini, Ospedale Pedagogico di Aguscello, Peenemünde Army Research Center, Pennhurst State School, Philadelphia Jewish Foster Home and Orphan Asylum, Philadelphia State Hospital (Byberry), Pilgrim State Hospital, Plymouth County Hospital, Pratt Greenhouse, Prora KdF Seaside Resort, Rathen State Hospital, Renwick Smallpox Hospital, Riverside Hospital (North Brother Island), Riverside State Hospital, Rochester State Hospital, Rochester Subway, Rocky Point Amusement Park, Roseville State Prison, Roseville State School, Ryhope Pumping Station, Saint Michaels State Hospital, Saint Remigius Military Hospital, Salesian School, Samuel R. Smith Infirmary, Sanatorio Lohner, Sanitarium Joseph Lemaire, Sankt Marien Heilstätte, Säuglings- und Kinderkrankenhaus Weißensee, Severalls Hospital, SNCB Train Works, Springfield State Hospital, Staten Island Boat Graveyard, Stella Artois Brewery, Studebaker Stamping Plant, The Enchanted Forest, The Ladd School, The Pines Hotel, Toronto Power Company Generating Station, Université de Dubois, Usine de Senelle, Usine Terres-Rouges, Valmea Convent, Verden Psychiatric Hospital, Vineland Training School's Menantico Colony, West Middlesex Hospital, Western Center, Westport Generating Station, Whittingham Hospital, Worcester State Hospital, York County Prison, York Street Jail, Ypsilanti State Hospital, Zuckerfabrik Greußen

Pour les connaisseurs, voici le matériel utilisé :


Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Canon EOS 5D
Canon 300D Rebel*
Sony DSC-F707*
1955 Rolleiflex Automat*


Sigma 12-24mm F4.5-5.6 EX DG HSM
Canon 24-70L F2.8
Canon 75-300mm F4.0-5.6
Canon 50mm F1.4 "Nifty Fifty"
Tokina 12-24mm*
Tamron 17-35mm*


Bogen/Manfrotto 3001 Series

Pour couper court aux affabulations, comme quoi les sites abandonnés sont sujets aux assauts d'entités ou autres "manifestations" de quelques sortes, voici l’adresse de ce photographe et ses œuvres singulières :

Mise en garde :

Explore at Your Own Risk

The photographs and information on this site is solely for historic and enjoyment purposes only. Neither, nor any of its affiliates, can be held liable for your arrest, injury, or death while at any of these locations - you are responsible for your own actions.

If you decide to explore, please remember that many of these abandoned places are private property, and are patrolled by police, private security firms, or the owners themselves. You may be ticketed, arrested or even shot at while trespassing on these grounds. Since the buildings are not maintained, it is possible to become afflicted with health problems related to asbestos, lead, tetanus, bird droppings, and mold exposure. Please do the proper research and go safely prepared.

Some locations are not revealed to protect the integrity of the site and its owner(s). Please do not contact me about directions to locations, hidden location names, or how to enter any of the properties - any such questions posted on the website will be removed.

Autres sites intéressants :


Bonne visite à tous !

"C'est en cherchant l'impossible que l'homme a toujours réalisé le possible. Ceux qui se sont sagement limités à ce qui leur paraissait le possible n'ont jamais avancé d'un seul pas."

Mikhaïl Aleksandrovitch Bakounine (1814-1876)

 Sujet du message: Re: Photos de ruines urbaines
MessagePosté: Dim Décembre 08, 2013 15:20 
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Inscription: Dim Février 10, 2013 14:11
Messages: 447
Localisation: Midgard
Personne n'ose entrer ?










"C'est en cherchant l'impossible que l'homme a toujours réalisé le possible. Ceux qui se sont sagement limités à ce qui leur paraissait le possible n'ont jamais avancé d'un seul pas."

Mikhaïl Aleksandrovitch Bakounine (1814-1876)

 Sujet du message: Re: Photos de ruines urbaines
MessagePosté: Dim Décembre 08, 2013 21:29 
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Inscription: Lun Juin 30, 2008 14:18
Messages: 1550
Localisation: Yssingeaux
Sympa j'aime le concept, car les lieux abandonnés ont toujours l'air "vivant" finalement.

Je suis à l'écoute, et vous?...

 Sujet du message: Re: Photos de ruines urbaines
MessagePosté: Lun Décembre 09, 2013 09:20 
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Inscription: Mar Août 03, 2010 08:09
Messages: 4589
Localisation: Sud Ouest
Il existe des tas de sites regroupant des photos de ce style, ça fait partie de l'exploration urbaine. En cherchant urbex sur l'ami google, y a des tonnes de sites qui remontent à la surface.
(Forbidden places en est un exemple sympa)

Ce que j'écris, ça se lit au 1er degré, des fois au second. Faites votre choix.

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